Zel Iscel has been presenting on various disability issues since 2006.
Topics she has presented include:
- ‘Disability is Not my Problem’ at the W3C conference in Kuwait City, Kuwait. This presentation discussed some of the ways disability is viewed and how people with disability are treated because of those ideas.
- ‘The Role of Technology in the Evolving Concepts of Disability’ at the Australian Accessibility Conference 2020. Screenwest Panel | OZeWAI 2020.
- Facilitated the workshops for the Screenwest Panel and Audio Description of WA Short Film
- ‘Key findings of the ANROWS Research on Women With Disability Accessing services’ at the Disability Safe week Panel.
Zel also hosts events that are not disability focussed, such as the ‘ 2nd Articulate Forum at Edith Cowan University – a forum on women in the arts.
Contact Zel via contact page today if you her to present or MC your event.